Finding a Cute Model for Kats’N Us New Dog Puppy Rope Toys
Yes,we are a company that focuses our products towards the cat world. But through the years we have had requests for toys for the small dog breeds and puppies. You can find them out there but we thought it would be fun to offer a few for our travel customers and for those customers that have cats and dogs! The problem is all our field testers prefer the cat toys because well….they are cats. Pete one of our newest staffers was interested in the 2-knot rope toy for a minute. He has a tendency to carry things off to no man’s land.
So since we did not have an in house field tester, we asked if our neighbor could assist us. They just had acquired a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. So Cute and growing fast! We were hoping he could not only model the toys but perhaps field test them for us. After about 50 photos our neighbor sent us one that was perfect! He is still field testing them so results are still pending on how fun they are.
The two featured in the picture are our Circle Rope Toy and our Rope Ball Knot Dog Puppy Toy
We also offer a few other rope toys as well as some felt beds that would be perfect for the small breed dogs like Yorkies, poodles and such. You can check out all the dog/Puppy toys on our shopping page: Dog Puppy Toys
You got to love puppies especially fluffy ones but enjoy them while they last. Bernese Mountain Dogs grow fast and big but great personalities!