Our Two Cat Staffers
Pete is on of our new staffers. We believe he is a mix of a Siberian forest cat and a Manx. So he has long hair that gets extra layers in the winter, short legs and no tail. He has all the great characteristics of both type of cats: Protective, loving and affectionate, active, loyal, loves to play fetch, almost dog-like and very cute. Even with all his fur, combing has been difficult. Being only 3 so still kitten like and why do I-have-to-sit-still attitude, trying to keep his layers of fur under control have been challenging.
We tried large flea combs, the defurminator product, which do work well on knots and debris but to use those for brushing was not what Pete liked. We had heard of this glove that works on cats and other pets that helps with grooming. We tried one on Pete and WOW! He Loves it! He actually will come in and walk to the bathroom and sit and wait to be Gloved!
In fact I think he purposely goes outside and lays in the beds so he can be brushed off! It is like we are helping him get all the debris off and he knows it! So smart! Of course sometimes we get a treat or two for being so good. The goal is to keep up on grooming him through the summer so when he starts getting his winter coat we can stay ahead of knots. Being an indoor outdoor cat there will always be debris hanging on to that beautiful fur coat. But with the True Touch Glove, life will be easier. Now I just need to teach him to clean up the debris that falls off in the house as he travels through to the bathroom for his grooming. Glad we have hardwood floors! Thank you Swifter!