Kats’n Us Blog

Kats’n Us Blog

A Cat named Odie

Odie came to us quite unexpectedly. We had a cat named Abby. A cute little black and white cat that pretty much controlled the house. She loved all the attention and really didn’t want to shar
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Cats Love high places

Cats are very curious things. They love to check out little crevices, open bags, the top of cabinets, and the outside world holds so much more. Why do they like high places? Perhaps it is to watch o
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Kitty Blog: The Cat chase

Abby was a cute little Black and white cat.  She was the only cat we have owned that I picked from a litter. She and I were pals way back before I got married when it was only her and I in this
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Each cat has a unique trait

Have you ever noticed that each cat has a unique trait? They all seem to do one little thing differently than any other like sleeping in a unique position, run in a different way, or have a certain
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Cats are territorial

Bob the Manx. He was a very unique cat. We believe he followed our Odie cat home one day and decided this was where he would live out his life. We guessed that someone left him at a house around the
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Need to catch a mole? Have a cat

This is a story my husband told me when I got home one day. As he was telling the story, Bob was bouncing around the yard like he knew we were talking about him! This happened at a time when we
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Mama Cat

Mama Cat or 3 1/2 Our cat Odie was a very friendly cat. He always greeted people as they strolled down the street. He would help the  neighbors in their yards.  Mostly he would follow me a
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Finding the best Cat Toy

Lucy was one of four kittens from our Mama cat. She was what would be called a tuxedo cat. She had perfect black and white markings with a very cute black nose. It took a while to befriend her
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