Wood crates


We had a great idea for a wood crate for pet travel. 6 pieces of durable plywood that would fit together with nuts and bolts and pre drilled holes for the customer convenience. Pet Crates that could be reusable for travel, training, or to crate during the day and use as a end table. All sounds good right?

These crates were for breeds of dogs that were classified as aggressive breeds on the airlines. Actually farm animals, cats, lots of different pets could use these crates for travel. But mostly for dogs. Well then the airlines started changing the rules. No aggressive dog breeds. Then some international airlines didn’t like our door. Nothing wrong with the door, same door that is used on plastic crates only stronger but still an issue.

Then Covid. Sales were already dwindling then that hit. So a decision had to be made. At this writing building our wood crates is on hold. It still is a great design and is still a viable product if someone wanted to run with it. Currently we cannot put anymore resources into it. So we are just selling out our inventory to anyone who is interested. If you want to see what sizes we still have in stock go to:


We still get inquires about a larger size for like a Great Dane. Our current crate design would need some modification to be able to work for that size dog. But it is possible. Need ideas of what to do? A couple come to mind:

•        contacting a local pet shipper. They sometimes use local craftsman to make them wood crates. They may share who that is.

•        Also a breeder might know of someone in your area that makes wood crates for flight.

 These would probably be one time use crates but you would save in the shipping cost.

So maybe down the road wood crates for pets or what we call Cr8-2Fly(Crates to Fly) crates will come around again. Time will tell.

We thank all our customers and potential customers for checking our our wood crates over the years. Safe Travels!