Kats'N Us Pet Supply takes the protection and proper use of your personal information seriously. We respect your privacy and take great care to safeguard information in our possession. Your preferences for use of your information are our highest priority.

We do not share customer information (including e-mail addresses) outside of our company unless it is necessary to provide you with our products or services (for example, shipping your products via UPS.com, USPS.com, PayPal Ship Now)

We are happy to provide further details of our privacy policies. For more information, call us at 503-657-7715. Kats N Us Pet Supply Anti Spam Policy

Making a purchase on our site will NOT automatically put you on a “emailing list”. Kats'N Us Pet Supply will under no circumstance use your email address for any other reasons than to identify your orders or to contact you in regard to your current order or to notifying you of problems/updates with your current order). We do not rent, sell or trade personal information collected on this site. If you ever receive any email that appears to be Spam coming from our company we ask you to contact us directly or forward it to info@katsnus.com