Our Blog

Kitty Blog

Get to know our kitty staff and Kitty customers

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Cat tips & Facts

There is always something to learn about cats!

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Pet Travel Blog

Are you Traveling with a Pet? Here is some helpful tips to help you on your way.

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Cat Story: Lucky to be alive

Lucky the Cat My husband has named most of the Kats’n Us staff. I don’t mind since the names seemed to always fit. Lucky was no exception. Phil, my husband was driving home from work, it
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Life with Lucky the Cat

It is hard to believe so much time has passed not only for when we last posted an article but how fast the time goes. This year, 2015 in March, we had to say goodbye to our sweet cat Lucky. We wrote
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Linus the cat

As time passes it is always hard to remember all the cat stories from all the Kats’N Us staff we have had over the years. It is probably good that I started a kitty blog to capture what storie
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Saying Goodbye to Your Cat – Buddy

It is never easy to say goodbye to your feline friend. They are part of the family! I would say it is one of the hardest things to do as a cat owner or pet owner for that matter. Our cat staffer Bud
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Our Two Cat Staffers

Our Two Cat Staffers

Pete is on of our new staffers. We believe he is a mix of a Siberian forest cat and a Manx. So he has long hair that gets extra layers in the winter, short legs and no tail. He has all the great cha
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Stuck to their Human

We then had a cat that once he discovered the outside…yes we like our cats to be in and out cats. We fortunately live in an area that provides them with a safe territory. But Buddy loved bein
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Blog has a New Look!

What’Cha Doing? Welcome to our new look! Lately we have been getting questions about why we have two domains for our company. Well…We started with just a blog site under our Kats’
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Kats’n Us gang

Welcome! The Kats’n Us cats decided that their voices needed to be heard! They wanted me to share their thoughts and stories of their on going antics and contribute comments and tips on how
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